HOW TO QUIT ALCOHOL? 1. Book a physical challenge This might seem like a strange place to start but it’s key to any alcohol-free period. Book a physical challenge beyond your current abilities. If you can just manage a jog around the block, perhaps start with a 5k parkrun , or if 10k’s your limit then maybe go for a marathon. A physical target such as this will provide: Focus – To drive your exercise routines Exercise – To make you body and mind strong Confidence – That you are capable of more that you ever imagined Activity – That will fill some of the time you get back from not drinking 2. If you slip up, so what The quickest way to lasting habit change is through compassion and not the stick of guilt. Studies have shown time and time again that forgiveness leads to personal accountability, whereas guilt leaves us looking for excuses. There is a common misconception that a slip up means failure, which opens the floodgates to over ...